Sunday, March 29, 2009


Comment on this story by clicking here.

Meet Mary Brown. A personal friend of mine and sister in Christ. I attend Church with Mary and am privileged to know her. She is one of the most humble people, truly humble people, I have ever met. I love, oh shoot, we all love Mary.

This morning she got up and gave her life long testimony. It is EXTREMELY powerful. When you may think there is no hope, let me remind you that there is and His name is Jesus Christ. Mary is just one example of the forgiving Grace of God. May it bless you as much as it did me. Enjoy.

Until next time,

Friday, March 27, 2009


I've noticed that as I have grown older, I find myself spending a lot less time watching TV and a lot more time doing... I guess as we get older, we find other items to consume our time. Family, friends, church, career, building my relationship with the Man upstairs, Upward basketball... For the majority of us, the old tale that time gets shorter and shorter as we grow older is becoming truer and truer for me.

If I could have one wish, I would wish that my body only required the same amount of sleep as a Giraffe. I know, do what, a Giraffe. Why a Giraffe? Well, simple. I have been told (But not confirmed) that a Giraffe only sleeps fifteen minutes a day. Man, imagine what you could get accomplished if you have twenty three hours and forty five minutes a day to get your stuff done. We could have a forth meal a day for real. If that was true, what would Taco Bell do for a commercial? you know that extra time might be a bad thing. The work week could go from forty or fifty hours a week to a eighty plus or even more. But, even with that, there would be a positive. The salary would get a major boost, or we would be getting a lot lower salary for a lot more work. Hum, I wonder how the Giraffes handle all that extra time in there society...???

For some of us, we would facebook or blog or Twitter ourselves crazy. Some of you are probably ready for me to take a vacation from The Dose anyway. Your inbox on facebook may be the graveyard for a few hundred e-mails from The Daily Dose. Hey I can sympathise with you, I mean, I'm the guy writing all of those crazy updates. But, I want to do my job and keep you as updated as possible. The great thing about facebook or an email or any of the electronic media is that you can always delete them, dump them into your junk mail folder or just totally ignore them and let them build up until they consume your entire inbox. Here at The Dose, we are convinced that those intriguing and inspirational updates we send NEVER get overlooked. In fact we have heard of people actually sitting on there facebook account waiting for the next Daily Dose update.

But, since I don't have twenty three hours and forty five minutes in a day to do everything I want, I had to learn to sacrifice something and for me, that something was TV. Time to watch shows like American Idol, The Bachelor or even the news became consumed with other activities. Every now and then I can get in a football game or maybe a basketball game, it just depends if Kentucky is playing or not.

Even with the lack of time and the drastic cut back on TV consumption over the last two years, I have still managed to keep up one TV habit. That habit is a minimum of one hour per day, normally at 12:00 or 1:00am, to watch one episode of The Andy Griffith Show and one episode of The Beverly Hillbillies. For me the DVR has been the greatest invention for the TV since I've been born. Right now I must have at least a hundred episodes of the two shows consuming tons of space on my DVR's hard drive. In fact, I probably delete more shows then I can watch. On a daily basis, they must show four or five different episodes of Andy Griffith and The Hillbillies on TV Land and of course my priority is taping everyone of them. In fact I have watched so many episodes of these two classics, that I could honestly say I don't think there is one episode that I have never seen. Actually, I am convinced that I could honestly say there's not one episode I haven't seen at least twice.

Get with me here. Who can resist these characters. Barney Fife, Andy Taylor, Aunt Bee, red headed Opie Taylor, Goober, Gomer Pyle, Floyd the Barber and all of the other charming characters in a town called Mayberry.

And heading West, how could you not love Granny, Jed, Ellie May, Jethro, Mr. Drysdale, Mrs. Drysdale, Jane Hathaway, Pearl Bodine and all those other backwoods characters who have been thrown into the uppity class city of Beverly Hills.

I am probably the one oddball in the state of Arkansas, maybe in the entire country, who can't sleep without first watching at least one episode. Even those nights where I drag myself to the bed, I still drag myself through at least one, loving every minute of a show that sometimes I could almost quote. Even today, I still find myself laughing at something I've seen umpteen times before. I guess that's what keeps me coming back... No matter how many times I watch the same show, I always seem to find something that breaks me into a laugh. Sometimes to the point of tears.

Granny busting Jethro on the head with a frying pan or seeing Barney riding up to the front of the courtyard in his huge goggles on his World War II motorcycle. All of them are classics. They were classics then, there classics now and I think it's safe to say they will be twenty years from now. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I'll be watching Andy, Barney and the entire Mayberry gang when I'm old and hanging out on the front porch, if the good Lord allows me to stay that long.

If you ever just want to check out a show, you can see them just about any day of the week on TV Land or you can go to TV Land's web page and watch any episode on demand.

From all the gang in Mayberry and the back wood country folks in Beverly Hills, thanks for reading, writing and participating.

Comment on this story here

Until next time,

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Just a little humor that my lovely wife Janet sent me today in my e-mail at work. I enjoyed it so much, I thought I would share.

A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.

Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.

When the offering plate was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was the cryptic message, 'Genesis 3:10'.

Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.

Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock".

Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard Your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked".

Until next time,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I thought this photo was so cute and so funny at the same time, that I just had to share it...

That would be perfect for the "Hair Club for Men" tour... Hope you enjoyed....

Until next time,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Well, it didn't take long before we had the opportunity to make Idiots In Motion - Episode 2. Seems I am getting myself in some odd predicaments here recently. Anyway, here it is, the cheer for the day... Enjoy...

Until next time,

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Webster defines an Idiot as " a foolish or stupid person." Well in this video, we prove, beyond a reason of doubt, that Webster was right.

Sometimes in life you wonder where your common sense went. Well, in the following video, it is proof that I no longer have to wonder where it went, I don't think I ever had any.

Here is Christopher and I horsing around in the yard, and, for some of us, paying for it physically.

To watch this video properly, you need to turn up your sound, little louder please, now sit back and enjoy.


Enjoy that. Check out the other videos at YOUTUBE - DAILY DOSE style.

Don't forget to comment below....

Until next time,
The Daily Dose

Friday, March 13, 2009


Meet Melissa, better known as Missy Corsini. Our first ever personal interview of one of our very own members of The Daily Dose Group. Enjoy...

DD: Missy, thanks for being here and taking the time to meet with us. Let's get right to it. Can you start off by giving the friends of The Dose a little bio about yourself?

MISSY: My full name is "Melissa Dawn Tozer-Corsini. My Irish Grandfather gave me the name of Missy and that is what I have used most all of my life. I was born November 17, 1964 in Searcy, Arkansas. I grew up on a farm in Ward and attended elementary school in Ward as well. I grew up with two sisters. My oldest sister is currently living in Ward and my youngest sister passed away a year ago.

I attended Cabot High School, in Cabot Arkansas, and graduated from the Class of 1983. I have fond memories of high school, my favorite being my participation in Choir and Track. My plans were to go to college and study in the medical field. I married right out of high school and attended two years at UALR when motherhood took me by surprise. I put school on the back burner so I could work full time to save some money. Two years later, I had baby number two. Needless to say, college plans were only a dream at that point.

I divorced my first husband and remarried in 1990. His name is Andrew Corsini and I met him while being employed at USBC. In 1994 we became the proud parents of twin boys. My children are Ryan, Rachel, Andrew and Gabriel.

Ryan is currently in the Navy stationed in Jacksonville, FL. He will be finishing his service this Summer and plans to attend college. Rachel is a Cosmetologist and has a one year old son, Luciano. Andrew and Gabriel are 15 and are attending Coral Shores High School in Tavernier, FL where we currently live.

Living in the Florida Keys is as close to living in paradise as it comes. The people are friendly, the pace is slower, and the sunsets are God's gift every day.

DD: I'm sure you've heard of the movie "The Bucket List" where two old gentlemen make a list of things they want to do before they kick the bucket. Give us five things you want to accomplish before your time comes?

MISSY: My bucket list is pretty simple, it would be to hike The Appalachian Trail, ride my motorcycle cross country and hit every bike event there is, take my mother to visit Ireland, run the Boston Marathon and visit Hawaii with my husband Andrew.

DD: Let's say you were about to be placed into the Witness Protection Program and you had to change your name to something other then your current one, what would it be?

MISSY: Chip that's a hard one as I love my name! My great Grandmother was a Choctaw Indian, so I think I would like to have a tribal name.

DD: Do you own an iPod?

MISSY: I do.

DD: Great.. So, if you turned on your iPod and placed it on shuffle, what would be the first three songs that would pop up and, part B, what was the last song you listened too?

MISSY: Hold on. Let's see here. Okay my iPod's first three songs on shuffle are "Johnny and June" by Heidi Newfield, "If I Never See Your Face Again" by Maroon 5 and "Citizen Soldiers" by 3 Doors Down. And the last song I listened to I believe was "Touchness" by Enigma.

Click HERE to listen to any of Missy's songs above...

DD: Have you ever ran away from home and if so, where did you go?

MISSY: Well when I was around 8 I became mad at my mother because she wanted me to clean my room and I thought it was already clean. She told me to go to my room until it was clean. I thought it was totally unfair so I grabbed my pillow, slipped out of my bedroom window and went to my favorite place in the woods behind my house. we had a tree in the shape of the number 4 which made it perfect for me to lie in. I made it until just after dark before I became too frightened and returned back to my room. Mom acted as if she never knew, but she told me later that she saw me leaving and knew where I was going and knew I would be back.

Missy would you tell us three places where you have lived throughout your life?

MISSY: We've traveled some with my husbands job. He works for Homeland Security. We left Arkansas in 1998 and moved to Fort Lauderdale, FL. Stayed there for 3 years before moving to Washington DC. We were there for 3 years then we moved back to Florida to a city called Coral Springs. About three years ago we moved to the Florida Keys.

DD: In what room of the house do you spend the most time, not including your sleep time?

MISSY: The family room.

DD: Give us your three favorite movies of all times?

MISSY: well I guess they would have to be Dances With Wolves, The Patriot and Top Gun.

Click HERE to watch a clip from Top Gun.

DD: Of all the places in the world, excluding those youv'e already seen, give us three places you would love to visit?

MISSY: Well obviously, since I want to take my mom to Ireland, that would have to be one of them. I guess the other two would be Australia and Italy.

DD: If we looked in your closet, how many hats would we find of yours and which one is your favorite?

MISSY: Well, you would find five hats; two Bahama hats, a Harley Davidson hat, a running hat and a Navy mom hat. My favorite one would be one of the two Bahama Hats. (You can see Missy's favorite hat on her picture above)

DD: If you could have ANY super power, any, what would it be?

MISSY: I think I would want to have the ability to Vanish/Turn Invisible...

DD: Let's say you have a co-worker that comes by your desk and sticks her tongue out at you, what do you think you would do?

MISSY: Definitely laugh! For someone to do that, they must be a good friend that is being silly...

DD: Tell us, what is Eskimo Ice?

MISSY: Not totally sure, but I know I pack my cooler with it every weekend...

DD: What is your best quality?

MISSY: I believe I am a good parent.

DD: And your worst quality?

MISSY: Probably it is that when I get too tired, I get very cranky...

DD: Missy, If The Daily Dose came to your house today and looked in your fridge, what would we see?

MISSY: You would see lots of milk, cheese, salad things, apples and every condiment known to man... LOL.

DD: Think back to when you were 12 years old, what did you dream of being when you grew up?

MISSY: Definitely a Doctor...

DD: Okay, here is an odd one. Do you install your toilet paper so that you pull it from the top or the bottom of the roll?

MISSY: That's funny. Definitely the top! Doesn't everyone? LOL

DD: What was the last book you read?

MISSY: It was "The Gate House" by Nelson Demille.

DD: If you were stuck with only being able to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Now this has to be one item only like steak, corn, bread, chicken, etc.

MISSY: Um, I think I would have to choose eggs.

DD: Okay, if you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?

MISSY: I think I would want me as a friend. I am a good listener, happy most of the time, love to have fun and laugh and I am honest.

DD: When you meet someone else, whats the first thing you notice about that person?

MISSY: Normally it is if they give me eye contact and smile or not.

DD: Summer or Winter?

MISSY: You could probably guess it would be Summer by where I live.

DD: Missy, what's your favorite outdoor activity?

MISSY: Riding my low riding Harley with my husband.

DD: Were you named after anyone that you are aware of?

MISSY: Nope, I'm an original.

DD: Of everything out there, what is your favorite smell?

MISSY: It's puppy breath...

DD: If you could ask Elvis Presley any two questions, what do you think you would ask of the King?

MISSY: Well... I think I would ask him "What his life was like as he enjoyed his fame?" and secondly I would probably ask him "What drove him to resort to drug use?"

DD: What would be the one thing you would never leave your house without?

MISSY: This is easy, some sort of Lip Gloss.

I would assume you love Saturdays, so tell us what would be your idea of a perfect Saturday?

MISSY: Well, I would get up early and enjoy my first cup of coffee while everyone else slept, go for a jog, have a light breakfast, grab the hubby and go for a long motorcycle ride, then enjoy a light lunch and eventually return home, pack the cooler with some of that Eskimo Ice, jump in the boat with the family for some tubing, wake boarding, knee boarding and eventually park the boat in the bay just in time to have dinner while watching a beautiful sunset.

DD: Hey can The Dose come next time?

MISSY: Sure...

DD: What is your favorite car and your favorite motorcycle?

MISSY: I would love to own a Jeep and of course my Harley Davidson Lowrider.

DD: If you could only like two people outside of your family, who would they be?

MISSY: It would have to be my two best friends, Stephanie Finn and Linda Griswold.

What do you think came first, the chicken or the egg and why?

Well I believe God made the animals first, so it would have to be the chicken.

DD: Do you have a funny joke you would like to tell the friends of The Dose?

MISSY: Sure. When I was a kid I was eating a Popsicle that had the jokes on the stick. I remember this one that said, "Where did George Washington keep his armies? Answer: Up his sleevies!!!" I remember laughing until I cried and I have never forgotten it..

DD: I ate the same Popsicle's. My jokes weren't normally that good. LOL. Okay, here is another one of those crazy questions. Do you think a cat has a belly button? Why or why not?

MISSY: Well a cat is a mammal and it is my understanding that all mammals have a belly button, so yes.

DD: Honestly Missy, I don't know if I know the answer to that question, but I am going to trust your answer as it makes sense. Okay only two questions left. Who do you like the most, Johnny Carson, Jay Leno or David Letterman?

MISSY: I liked Johnny the most, mainly for nostalgic reasons. He was the first at late night talk shows and it was never the same when he retired.

Click HERE to see Johnny Carson in a clip of "Carnac The Magnificent".

DD: I loved Johnny. He was and still is, an absolute genius. Okay, last question. Do you hit the sack early or are you a night owl?

MISSY: Well, I get up early Monday through Friday to open the gym so, I am early to bed. However, if there is fun to be had, I can hang with the best of them!

DD: Well Missy that concludes our interview. I want to thank you for taking time out to talk with The Dose and for putting up with some of these crazy questions. I hope you have enjoyed this experience as much as we have. I know the readers of the Dose are going to enjoy Missy Corsini and they will definitely know you better after this... Thanks again.

You're welcome...


Well, Missy gave us a great interview. I want to personally thank her for taking away from her personal time to interview with the Dose. Be sure and give Missy and The Dose your thoughts in the comment section below. Post a personal comment to Missy or just a general thought. And don't forget to check her page out. You can find her on the friends list of The Daily Dose.

Until next time,
Chip @ The Daily Dose

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The following hair raising story is compliments of one of The Daily Dose's readers, Mrs Teresa Sanders Scheuter. You can find her on the friends list of The Daily Dose Group. ENJOY!

If I had known I would be wearing my first Boa before the end of the day, I would have dressed differently that morning. Ignorance is bliss, however, and I chose a crystal pleated plaid wool skirt and a dark green velour top - reasonably fashionable for the mid-1980's. The flats I put on my feet were a near necessity for a third grade teacher who only sat down to take attendance and eat lunch.

By the time the afternoon rolled around, students and teachers alike were anticipating a school-wide assembly. Some guy would come and show off some animals. Perfect... Animals would keep my students attention and mean less class monitoring for me. On the way out the door, I grabbed a handful of papers that needed grading. New teachers are always stacked up. Might as well get a little work done.

The cafeteria was shivering with excitement. These weren't ordinary birds and wilderness animals today. These were reptiles. Lovely!! As the assembly wore on, I was relieved I had the foresight to bring some papers to check. Kept my eyes off the snakes. When the nice Reptile Man called for volunteers, teachers chuckled and tsked over the many kids eager to get there hands on a large snake. When an adult volunteer was needed, there were no takers. Too late, I realized that my efficiency was my undoing. One teacher with a handful of paperwork was an attention - getter, and I found myself propelled to the stage as the entire school cheered.

How bad could it be? I would just pet a snake and get it over with. My students would have something to tell there parents that night. As I took my position, I was horrified to discover that I was not here to help the students on stage hold a large snake, my role was to hold a snake MYSELF! A forty pound snake. A boa constrictor. Don't these snakes, um, squeeze their prey? How would it know I wasn't it's snack?

As the now Annoying Reptile Man positioned my hands above my shoulders, I desperately prayed silently, "Lord, if you'll just let me survive this, I promise I'll never grade papers in assemblies again, no matter how far behind I am." Annoying Reptile Man dropped the boa into my unwilling hands. As I felt myself sway, I was grateful I had worn flats instead of heels, which helped keep me stable. If I tottered over, Id be tangled on the floor with a mad boa constrictor. That snake was heavy and smelly. I just hoped I didn't smell like something to eat.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. I quickly squinched my eyes closed. Something brushed my hair. I realized the entire assembly was laughing with delight, at my expense. Could I get a bonus for this? Annoying Reptile Man turned his attention to the kids and left me to tremble on my own.

As the kids began leaving the stage, I cautiously slitted open my eyes. Annoying Reptile Man told me just to put his snake down in the long wooden box behind me. Then he turned away. I awkwardly leaned back and dropped the snake out of my hands. As it thudded into the box, Annoying Reptile Man snapped, "Carefully! Don't break his back!" I glared steadily back at the now Despised Reptile Man and stalked off the stage. I had lived through this ordeal and would not apologize to anyone.

It took three washings to get the smell of that snake out of my green velour top. Any time I am tempted to be a good sport and go along with something I really don't want to, I relive the reptile incident and the temptation passes. And I NEVER wear green.

I am assuming, without actually asking, that this is a true story. One that I don't ever want to experience myself, but one that I am proud to publish here on The Dose. Great story Teresa. Thank you for sharing it.

Be sure and give Teresa your Kudos' by writing your comment below.

Until next time,

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Here he is, Aiden Hogan at full speed... Well with some enhancement...

Until next time,

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Just a little snap shot of the brief encounter we had with snow... Enjoy it..

Until next time,
The Daily Dose