Saturday, November 29, 2008


Normally I'm not a big car buff. Don't get me wrong, I like cars and would love to be able to pick out any car I wanted, but I know that's never going to happen. I am just not financially in a situation to enjoy that particular pleasure of life. But that's okay as I am and have been blessed in so many other areas of my life.

On the other hand, Janet's Uncle Jerrell is in a situation to enjoy some of the finer things in life including some really nice cars. He owns three 1958 Chevrolet's, a 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air, a 2008 Lexus and the above 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS, all in mint condition.

This is one sweet car. Much nicer in person then I can show in the above slide show. 502 cubic inches, 502 horsepower, original interior and one sweet orange paint job. He took me for a brief and VERY short drive in his driveway. Just the three seconds he got on the pedal scared me enough to know that this machine is a rolling coffin in the wrong hands. On the other hands, it would be a fine piece of machinery in my hands. LOL.

Hope you enjoy the show and a little Springsteen.

Until next time,

Friday, November 28, 2008


Chapter 2 in the "A TRIP TO" series... Enjoy.

At the beginning of 2008, I made a commitment to myself that I wanted to accomplish two specific items before December 31. Begin the process of learning how to play the guitar and the piano.

That goal quickly changed once I started pricing pianos and realized to get a decent one was going to be much more then I wanted or was willing to spend at the time. But it didn't damper my desire to begin to broaden my massive musical talents. For those who know me, they know that my vast talent lies in my ability to sing loud, real loud, and preferably in a shower with no one within at least a half mile. Can I get a witness?

At this moment, I have no singing talent and no ability to play any type of a musical instrument, but I absolutely love music. I listen constantly, even at work I sit at my desk with a headset on listening to Crowder or Hawk Nelson or Frank Sinatra or whoever the choice is for that particular day. Rare does a day go by that I don't spend at least an hour or more listening to music. Even right now I am listening to my playlist on Some "Dead Man" by "Jars of Clay" from their Greatest Hits CD. I just love music. I am convinced that everyone will be in the choir in Heaven, including me.

Oh but you see that is where the problem lies and why I made the decision to do something about my lack of musical talent. Okay, I cant sing, lets drop that one. But maybe I could contribute in a different way. Maybe I should, since I love music so much, attempt to learn how to create some form of usable music. Maybe a melody of some sort or a harmonious noise that is tolerable by more then just myself. Okay then, lets do it. So I did.

Tonight I took my first of what I am sure will be many, many, many guitar lessons. I am being instructed by Kyle at Conway Music. Kyle is a nice polite young man. He seems to know his guitar, at least he can tell me the parts of the guitar. He actually does play in a band by the name of Anxiety. I have no idea folks, I just know it is rock/blues type music. Kyle is young and I mean young. Maybe 22 or 23, somewhere in that area. He has long hair, dresses okay and calls everyone man, including me. Um.... I didn't like that part about Kyle, but hey I am old and kind of set in my ways. LOL. I truly did like him and am excited to have him as my personal instructor. Lessons are weekly for 30 minutes with at least one hour per day of practice. Oh my, did I say an hour a day. Okay, maybe fifteen minutes a day. There, that is more like it.

I have to say I was giddy about the whole stupid thing. The idea that I may, at some point, actually be able to bring music from an instrument excites the woo hoo out of me. I could actually sit in a jam session with some of the boys. Wow!!! That would be cool. I barely could sit in my seat when the lesson started. I was squirming around like a Mexican jumping bean on a sidewalk in Phoenix in August at noon. But before we get to0 the actual lesson, lets talk for a moment about promptness.

You see, I at age 44, believe you should be prompt. If you have something scheduled with someone, you should do your best to be on time. No need to be early, just be there ready to go when the time comes. That would be especially true if someone is paying you to be there. Okay, enough said about common courtesy. I can learn from myself on that one sometimes.

Back to the lesson. Lesson one was, lets say, BASIC. Here is a brief overview of what I learned and what my homework is for the next two weeks. I know, I said weekly for thirty minutes but I am going to Dallas next Friday and he had no other time for us to get together next week so.... Anywho, I learned some important information. Let me share the exciting stuff with you.


Okay, I really have no clue what this is, but I thought it was cool. I know the first letter is the actual six strings on the guitar, but I can't remember if it is from bottom to top or top to bottom. Hum. Maybe I need to refresh myself on that important aspect of playing. I guess maybe I was squirming too much to really focus during the lesson.

Let me explain that squirming stuff. You know the feeling you get after drinking a two liter bottle of water and waiting three hours without going to the restroom. Yeah, that's what I am talking about. I was excited, pumped, over joyed, through the roof, on Red Bull without actually drinking one type of feeling. This was soooo cool. I am taking guitar lessons at 44. Okay, you don't have to share that with anyone.

Back to the lesson. I learned some other things like what a fret is and a chord and the notes on the guitar. All things you can look up yourself and save me the trouble of reviewing my lesson just to educate you. Come on, I paid $12.50 to learn this stuff. I can't teach you everything.

The one item I did learn of value is that if I am going to be any good with a guitar, I am going to have to commit myself to practicing. And I am not talking half an hour a week. I mean true practice. Hum, maybe I need to find a partner of greater skill and spend some time trying to jam with them, playing as much as possible and learning as much as possible. See, I don't want to learn to play the incorrect way. I want to actually learn to play the guitar, that way I can play anything and not just the stuff I like. I want to learn the notes and how to read notes. That to me is important. I don't think I am going to learn that in my class anytime soon. I mean Kyle said he didn't even learn how to read music until he was required too at college. Oh well. As long as I can play Sweet Child of Mine, I will be happy.

Until next time,
Happy reading,

Thursday, November 27, 2008


About two weeks ago we made the decision to build and publish a Miller Family web page. Why you ask? Well, mainly for fun and the fact that I was truly bored and needed something new to do with my free time. Wait, free time, what the heck is that?

Oh well. We called the site EVERYTHING MILLER because we couldn't think of anything better. This is truly a work in progress but it has been developed to the point now where it is somewhat interesting.

We have multiple pages, a home page, a Janet page, a page for Christopher, one for Chip, one for Princess the Ferret (yes even the pets have pages), one for Gracie Miller the dog and one called Wealth of Useless Information, which is exactly what it states, somewhat interesting facts but probably useless in our day to day lives.

We welcome you to take the tour. We update the web almost daily with new photos, videos, blogs, useless information, bits and bites of stuff so it is pretty rare to find the page go for more then a day without something new.

Featured this week:
  1. Princess's new full length video entitled "Ferret at Full Speed". You can check it out on Princess's Page.
  2. Guess the Object. Check out the photo on the Home Page. Give us an answer in the Shout Out Box if you know what the object is in the photo.
  3. The new Family Fall Photos are up in the Photo Page. Check out my beautiful wife. I know.
  4. Christopher has finally updated his page.
  5. The new video Aiden on the Table is up on Chip's page.
  6. Two new stories on the Wealth of Useless Info Page.
You can check the page out at the following link: EVERYTHING MILLER

We welcome you to be a member of the page. All you have to do is just send me your e-mail address to 063001@LIVE.COM and we will send you an invite. Become a member of the page so we can keep you up to date on any updates added to the page through your personal e-mail.

Thanks for visiting the page and checking up on the blog. May you have a blessed day in His presence.

Until next time,

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This is the first chapter in a series of writings entitled "A trip To". This new series is just a simple overview of a brief trip in my life to "wherever". It may include written word, photos, video(s) or a combination of all three.

Today's chapter is entitled "Aiden and Chip Take a Trip to The Post Office".
The stars of the following video clip are Aiden Hogan with his side kick Chip Miller.

Aiden and I, after some persuasion from my wife, decided to take a trip to the Post Office. The objective was to deliver one of Janet's Avon envelopes. Well I was so excited that Aiden and I were taking the trip that I decided to film the entire "to" portion of the trip. The entire trip from our house to the Post Office only took about 12 minutes, but in an effort to save time, I have doubled the speed to cut the overall video down to about 6:30 in length. We hope you enjoy it. Let us know what you think.

Until next time,
Chip (and Aiden)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


For the last twenty one years I have worked at the same company, slowly but surely working my way through the chain of command. Even after being with a company for this long, I learned one very important fact today...stress never leaves your life, it only disappears for a while.

The last two weeks have been incredibly stressful. This is one of those situations where the workload, current condition of the company and on-going increase in expectations continue to build up over a period of time where you eventually realize long periods of pure stress. Headaches, pain in the upper neck, not sleeping well at night, grumpy at times. All symptoms of pure stress with no release.

Well today my lovely wife Janet dealt with some of her own additional stress. You see Janet is an Avon rep, and a good one at that. She has worked hard over the last ten months to build her business, all while babysitting up to three children, two consistently, and trying to take care of a household and family and, probably the worst item, putting up with me.

Today was the first day of Dazzle Days here in Conway. Janet had placed a rather large order with Avon to ensure she had plenty of product on hand for this annual event. Dazzle Days is an event where you buy a ticket to go in and buy stuff... I never really got the whole Dazzle Days thing unless it is raising funds for a non-profit or something along those lines. I mean why would you pay $25.00 for a ticket to go in and buy products at full price from vendors? Well that I cant answer, but I can tell you that it is very popular annual event.

Back to the product. Janet gets her product delivered once every two weeks and the product should show up at our front door no later then Wednesday. Perfect for Dazzle Days which starts on a Thursday. Perfect, that is, if the product actually gets there on a Wednesday. Well, you guessed it, we came home from the Avon training center in Little Rock around 10:45pm Wednesday night fully expecting to see her order sitting there waiting for us. Oh ney, ney...hum. No product. No delivery. Okay, whats wrong with this picture? Oh well, we have had this happen before only for the product to show up early the next morning. But, you guessed it, no product.

9:00 and no product. Stress level six.
10:00 and no product. Stress level eight.
11:00 and yep, no product. Stress level twelve.
12:00 and no product. Stress level has gone into cardiac arrest mode.

Why so high you ask? Well good question. With Dazzle Days your booth must be set up by 4:00pm on the opening day. After that time, you cannot bring anymore product into the center. So stress right now was almost to the point of complete emotional breakdown. Then on top of that, you have paid, up front, $350.00 for the booth so no product, no set up, no Dazzle Days. $350 down the drain. Unhappy Janet, unhappy Chip, unhappy everything.

Next step, call the delivery company to find out what the problem is and see if we can come up with a solution, but only after calling me (the innocent victim) and telling me the issue. Hey you guys know me, all I did, even though I was trying to help, was to increase that stress level to internal combustion mode. Ughhhh. I always seem to do that. So Janet got in contact with the shipping company.

"Where is my product kind sir", said Janet.

"Well we had a driver quit yesterday", said the kind man, "and we have had to reroute your product and we're not sure when it will be delivered. It is on a truck but we cannot give you a scheduled drop time" said the kind man.

Well this sent Janet into complete and uncontrollable panic. No product, four hours to have the booth completely set up with all product in the building and ready to open at 6:00pm. So what now?

Well that answer was easy, a quick and simple prayer. One reached out to Him by me and one reached out by her. It is always comforting to know that God is there. Your prayer may not be answered, but He is always listening. And no matter the situation, His will is perfect.

Needless to say, Janet got her product. See, her next call resulted in a simple solution to the problem. She would meet the driver at Home Depot, provide some ID and get the product delivered off the truck. Whew...problem solved right? WRONG!! Two hours to get the product to the location, set up the booth and get all product on display by 4:00. But how? A one man show isn't going to get this job done. Chip is at work in Sherwood. Marlana is working and cant get away. So who? Well, once again a solution. Janet does the only thing she knows to do, she checks Christopher, to his GREAT joy, out of school, drags him to Dazzle Days and begins getting the booth in order.

Now she truly knows why God gave her Pherby. It was to be there in time of need, true desperate I have to have you need. If for no other reason, he was placed on Earth for this one simple reason, to ensure Janet's Avon booth was ready to go at 4:00pm. at Dazzle Days Thank you Christopher for helping where you could.

It was comforting to me when I got the text telling me that she had her product, had her booth half way set up and was going to make the deadline. Thank you Lord.

By the way, if your not doing anything over the next couple of days, come by the booth at Dazzle Days and check out the end results of "Life in the Stress Lane".

Until next time,

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hello friends,

Well, today I experienced only my third trip to a Starbucks. It is amazing that even in a rough economy, people are still willing to pay this much for a cup of coffee or in my case a cup of hot chocolate.

I must admit that the experience was very relaxing. They have been able to create a very warm and inviting environment. The smells and attitudes of both the workers and the people were amazingly very Christmas like. This seems to be a place where people let go of there outside issues and truly just have a nice quiet, comfortable time sharing with those that are around them.

The hot chocolate was truly irresistible. I loved it and I'm not a big fan of most hot chocolates. But this one was unlike any other hot chocolate I have had in a long time. I really think it was made out of real chocolate and not some fake powder. Next time I think I will try a peppermint mocha twist espresso... Or maybe not.

But the best part of the entire trip was the time I was able to spend with Janet and Christopher. That is worth any amount of money. Let me recommend taking a trip to a Starbucks for a pretty reasonable family outing.

Until next time,
May God Bless You,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It seems that every time I get to spend some time with my father, I learn of some new amazing talent that he has possessed that for some reason, I never noticed. On Monday evening I had the opportunity to celebrate my fathers seventy second birthday, a blessing in itself. During the evening I began looking in detail at some Halloween decorations that mom and dad had up on the counter. As I looked closer I began to realize that these were the work of my father.

My dad is and always will be my hero. He is my friend when I need one, my mentor when it was time to learn, my role model on all things good, my disciplinarian when it was needed and although it wasn't very often, trust me it was needed, my earthly hero and at times, my better. Dad was dad, loving, tough, wise and a great role model on life. I knew he had some talents but over the years I have realized just how much talent dad truly possesses. It seems that every time I turn around, I realize I am still learning from the things dad taught me as a child, a teenager, a young adult and yes even now.

But on Monday I learned about another talent of dad's. I learned at an early age that I have a little talent in the field of oil painting. I have never expanded on that talent as it, well, bored me. I discovered later in life that my brother is one of the most talented individuals I know. He can paint, both oil and water colors, he can sculpt, draw, sketch and is an awesome photographer. His painting talent truly showed up the first time he ever showed any of his paintings. A friend of his asked him if he would be interested in showing and possibly selling three paintings that he had laying in his apartment. After about twelve seconds, my brother agreed, having no expectations that the paintings would sell at all. Boy were we all surprised. All three paintings sold for the asking price to one lady and within just a few hours of the showing being opened. With his initial success, he sat out to see if he could do it again, and once again, at the very next showing, he sold both paintings he had created at the asking price. To the family, we were totally amazed as we all realize he is the smartest and most talented individual in the entire family, but at that point, had done very little with it.

The big problem was we really had no idea where we got any of our talent from. So for forty four years I just blew it off as luck. The truth is, it wasn't luck at all. Last night proved it was genetics. You see the talent we received come straight from dear old dad. Dad had possessed this amazing talent, I assume, all of his life. But to this date, was hidden from anyone except mother. Mom knew all along where her sons got there talent. It wasn't from her or just by sheer chance, but it was from dad.

The items pictured in this blog were created, from scratch, by dad. The two items on the left are five inch post that he cut and sheered off to get the correct form, then painted and decorated the entire piece by free hand. The eyes, mouth, cheeks and even nose are so well defined it is almost life like. Dad had created many masterpieces that for many years have adorned there home, all the time all of us seeing but never truly understanding or realizing his talent.

One interesting note, he signs every piece on the bottom by painting a winter scene of a snowman with his name, USA and the date painted in red. I must admit, I have an amazing dad. Enjoy the rest of the photos.

And to dad on veterans day. Thank you for being my father. For your leadership, guidance, understanding and most importantly, your love. I love you dad.


Sunday, November 9, 2008


It is an annual tradition for Meme to cook birthday lunch for each member of the family during there birthday month.

November is Christopher's birthday. He turns 13, an official teenager. This birthday, according to my wife and son, is an important birthday. Obviously I have been in a cave. I thought the three important birthdays were one year, sixteenth year and your eighteenth. I am probably totally in the dark as I have learned that my wife seems to be a little more hip then I am.

If I really am in the dark, I wish someone would let me know. I hate making an idiot out of myself and I am pretty good at that...

Anyway, Happy Birthday Christopher. Mom and dad love you and hope you have a great day.


Saturday, November 8, 2008


On Friday we (Janet and myself) had the pleasure of attending the 40th birthday party for Barry Eason, a friend of ours from church. Originally, Janet and I agreed that we would only make a brief appearance and then hit the road for a nice night at the house with our nephew Aiden. But as the party began and everyone got into the swing of it, we found the company, as we often do, quite pleasurable and made the decision to stay. Man was I glad that we did...

Most times a party ends up being a nice social gathering where you eat, hang out and chit chat a little, then hit the road and grab some shut eye. This one turned out just the opposite. You see the fun part was at the end. An ending I doubt has ever happened at First Church before. The gym which we were using also doubles as our sanctuary. Part of the decorations for the party were helium filled black balloons. An appropriate decor for someone turning the Big 4-0. The great thing about this situation, being in a gym with helium filled balloons, is that it created the perfect setting for the worst thing to happen.

That occurrence, although really small, came about as true as it could. You see out of the 12 or so black balloons filled with helium, about six of them somehow made there way to the ceiling. A ceiling that is not designed to allow easy recovery of a helium filled balloon. And to make things worst, there was a funeral scheduled in the gym at 10:00am the next morning.

Now while black balloons are appropriate for a "over the hill" party, they are by no means appropriate for a funeral. Here sat the dilemma, with no easy solution. We thought of multiple ways to attempt to retrieve the lost balloons, each one getting crazier and crazier. We thought about stacking tables on top of each other and one person would stand on one side while another person climbed up on the opposite side therefore ensuring some chance of equal weight distribution. To say the least, that was a crazy idea. Then we thought about shooting a tooth pick through a straw in an attempt to blow up the balloons. Well that was a good idea, but one of no merit as we just didn't have enough air or weight to get the toothpick even high enough to touch the balloons, much less pop them.

So what do we do? Well, we had one idea that had been discussed several times, but to date, no one had taken action on. But with ideas running short and time getting late, the decision was made to bring in the only item we knew would bring those babies tumbling to the ground with no air left in there miserable bellies. Yep, you probably guessed it by now... a Beebe gun.

The problem, you see, is that we were in the building that was not only our gym, but it doubled as the sanctuary and on Sunday would be filled with 250+ church goers. So the question, was it appropriate to shoot a gun in the church? What if we shot out a light by accident? How could we ensure we didn't end up with ten Beebe's on the floor and members falling because they stepped on one? All were legitimate questions that required our utmost attention, of which we committed about twenty eight seconds too before making the decision that it just had to be done. Well, that was easy.

Oh ney, ney my friend. Now we had to find someone who had a Beebe gun and would be willing to shoot these flying beasts out of the gym sky, bringing them safely to the ground, with minimum Beebe's falling to the floor with them. So we asked around and yes, we found our hero... or at least my hero. Mark "the Man" Carter.

Mark not only had a Beebe gun, but he was willing to shoot those bad boys right out of the sky. After about a 10 minute absence, Mark appeared with the tool of destruction. A pump Beebe gun...

I was lucky enough to actually video tape the entire event. Please excuse the quality, but here it is, the link to the video itself of my Hero, Mark Carter in action.

Well Mark was exactly as he promised, successful, unlike this author. I hope you enjoyed this little part of my life. If you ever need a real kick or a great sermon, come see us at First Church of the Nazarene in Conway.

Until tomorrow,

Thursday, November 6, 2008


1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

6 And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." 7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.

Since I can't remember when, I have heard about UFO's and there existence. After 44 years of living, I can honestly say, I guess it is possible. It seems that God, in all His glory, is more then possible of creating life under any condition. Whether there truly is UFO's or not, who knows? I know I don't. But it does tell us above that God created the Heavens and the Earth. In two days, yes, two days, He created light, dark, water and sky and introduced us to His Spirit. Just based on eight versus, I am quite sure He is capable of producing life anywhere He so chooses.

So why the debate? The incredible desire to know if there is other life out there? An unwavering desire to study the sky? A lifelong plan to go to the moon and now to go to Mars. What is it we are looking for and why is it important?

What did we gather from visiting the moon? Okay, we now know it isn't made of cheese and there is no smiling face up on the moon. But besides a bunch of weird rocks and the junk we left behind, what did we prove? What did we accomplish? Why did we even go?

I guess as men, many spend an entire life pursuing the question of why are we here? What is our purpose in this extremely short life? Surely there is something more then being born, living and then eventually fading into black? Surely somewhere in that little bitty spec of time called our lives there is some reasoning of our objective? And not only that, but why now? Why was I born in 1964 ans not 1534? Or why was I born a US citizen instead of a citizen of Ethiopia? Why are my needs met beyond my true needs while others struggle daily to survive? How do we fit into the scheme called life and how can we leave a better world for those to come?

For 38 years of my life, okay, maybe not the entire 38 years, but a good portion, I struggled with many of the questions above. Why? Why this? Why that? How come? What does it matter?

But finally I got my answer on a winter evening in January 2002 at the foot of my sons bed. On that night, I was moved. Moved by a spirit within me that I can't explain, and even after almost eight years, I still can't explain. But that Spirit swelled up in me and called me to a purpose in my life. I was raised daily in a Christian home and on that winter night, I met the reason we were made and the one I had learned about all my childhood life. His name is Jesus. On that night, He changed my life. He forgave me for all my blemishes, my sin, my imperfectness, my hurting of others, my turning my back on Him, my everything... And on that night, He became the Savior and Lord of my life. I have never, and will never be the same again. That chaos within my soul, is the peace that brings me to a contentment and happiness that I have never experienced before. He set me free, from ME, and I praise Him for it.

I finally realized that I was made, created, sent to this Earth for the same reason my forefathers were, to worship and praise Him, my Creator. The maker of the Heavens and the Earth.

When I saw the sunset tonight, it made me realize just how much He loves me. How beautiful it was to see the light disappear, the stars shine and night fall upon us one more time.

To Him be the glory...

And by the way, if you are still hung up on the other life thing. I can honestly tell you that there is other life out there. In fact, I can pretty confidently tell you there is other life all around us that we can't see. The Angels of Heaven are among us. Cheering us on everyday. Protecting us when sent by Him. And yes, they are in the Heavens and the Earth.

May God bless you.



Gas prices have been a thorn in the side of all of us for a while now. The price is absolutely crazy. Someone is getting rich and it sure isn't the working class. But, that's okay. I feel blessed just to have a car and the ability to buy gas. I couldn't imagine life without a car but I understand the largest percentage of people have no car or real means of transportation. I guess there are probably tons of folks in New York City that have never and will never own a car. They walk, ride public transportation or rent a car if needed. So, my complaints should really be a thanksgiving.

I have told my wife Janet for a while now that I wanted a picture if we ever found gas at $1.99 per gallon or cheaper. Well guess what, Janet found a station and sent me the photo so it is my pleasure to share this rarely seen beast of the wild. This is worth more then the Mona Lisa herself.

Enjoy the day. May the Lord bless you. And if you ever find gas for $1.50 a gallon, call me personally.

Chip Miller


This blog is a test. It is only a test. The objective is to see if this mobile blogging can really be accomplished.

So, to ensure some interest, I have included a picture of the Crowder man himself. This was taken by my good friend Kent Britton (Check him out on facebook) at the Youth Specialties Convention for Youth Workers in Pittsburgh PA. Enjoy..


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Welcome to the Daily Dose. My blog site. Updates and new insightful thoughts will be posted on a not so regular basis. Reality is, they will probably never be posted. Random ignorant, non entertaining correspondence will probably be the norm. The reality is I dont have too much to say about too much of anything.

I know, for those who know me, you probably find that very hard to believe. But hey, my name on X Box live is Silent Assasln... and I know it is spelled wrong. The truth is my son picked out the name and it just fits me and my realness... I yap a lot, but say very little.

Well, I guess that it is for this session of the Daily Dose. Original name huh? I will post my first actual update on Thursday evening and we will see how this blogging stuff goes.

Take care,