Thursday, November 6, 2008


Gas prices have been a thorn in the side of all of us for a while now. The price is absolutely crazy. Someone is getting rich and it sure isn't the working class. But, that's okay. I feel blessed just to have a car and the ability to buy gas. I couldn't imagine life without a car but I understand the largest percentage of people have no car or real means of transportation. I guess there are probably tons of folks in New York City that have never and will never own a car. They walk, ride public transportation or rent a car if needed. So, my complaints should really be a thanksgiving.

I have told my wife Janet for a while now that I wanted a picture if we ever found gas at $1.99 per gallon or cheaper. Well guess what, Janet found a station and sent me the photo so it is my pleasure to share this rarely seen beast of the wild. This is worth more then the Mona Lisa herself.

Enjoy the day. May the Lord bless you. And if you ever find gas for $1.50 a gallon, call me personally.

Chip Miller

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