Friday, November 28, 2008


Chapter 2 in the "A TRIP TO" series... Enjoy.

At the beginning of 2008, I made a commitment to myself that I wanted to accomplish two specific items before December 31. Begin the process of learning how to play the guitar and the piano.

That goal quickly changed once I started pricing pianos and realized to get a decent one was going to be much more then I wanted or was willing to spend at the time. But it didn't damper my desire to begin to broaden my massive musical talents. For those who know me, they know that my vast talent lies in my ability to sing loud, real loud, and preferably in a shower with no one within at least a half mile. Can I get a witness?

At this moment, I have no singing talent and no ability to play any type of a musical instrument, but I absolutely love music. I listen constantly, even at work I sit at my desk with a headset on listening to Crowder or Hawk Nelson or Frank Sinatra or whoever the choice is for that particular day. Rare does a day go by that I don't spend at least an hour or more listening to music. Even right now I am listening to my playlist on Some "Dead Man" by "Jars of Clay" from their Greatest Hits CD. I just love music. I am convinced that everyone will be in the choir in Heaven, including me.

Oh but you see that is where the problem lies and why I made the decision to do something about my lack of musical talent. Okay, I cant sing, lets drop that one. But maybe I could contribute in a different way. Maybe I should, since I love music so much, attempt to learn how to create some form of usable music. Maybe a melody of some sort or a harmonious noise that is tolerable by more then just myself. Okay then, lets do it. So I did.

Tonight I took my first of what I am sure will be many, many, many guitar lessons. I am being instructed by Kyle at Conway Music. Kyle is a nice polite young man. He seems to know his guitar, at least he can tell me the parts of the guitar. He actually does play in a band by the name of Anxiety. I have no idea folks, I just know it is rock/blues type music. Kyle is young and I mean young. Maybe 22 or 23, somewhere in that area. He has long hair, dresses okay and calls everyone man, including me. Um.... I didn't like that part about Kyle, but hey I am old and kind of set in my ways. LOL. I truly did like him and am excited to have him as my personal instructor. Lessons are weekly for 30 minutes with at least one hour per day of practice. Oh my, did I say an hour a day. Okay, maybe fifteen minutes a day. There, that is more like it.

I have to say I was giddy about the whole stupid thing. The idea that I may, at some point, actually be able to bring music from an instrument excites the woo hoo out of me. I could actually sit in a jam session with some of the boys. Wow!!! That would be cool. I barely could sit in my seat when the lesson started. I was squirming around like a Mexican jumping bean on a sidewalk in Phoenix in August at noon. But before we get to0 the actual lesson, lets talk for a moment about promptness.

You see, I at age 44, believe you should be prompt. If you have something scheduled with someone, you should do your best to be on time. No need to be early, just be there ready to go when the time comes. That would be especially true if someone is paying you to be there. Okay, enough said about common courtesy. I can learn from myself on that one sometimes.

Back to the lesson. Lesson one was, lets say, BASIC. Here is a brief overview of what I learned and what my homework is for the next two weeks. I know, I said weekly for thirty minutes but I am going to Dallas next Friday and he had no other time for us to get together next week so.... Anywho, I learned some important information. Let me share the exciting stuff with you.


Okay, I really have no clue what this is, but I thought it was cool. I know the first letter is the actual six strings on the guitar, but I can't remember if it is from bottom to top or top to bottom. Hum. Maybe I need to refresh myself on that important aspect of playing. I guess maybe I was squirming too much to really focus during the lesson.

Let me explain that squirming stuff. You know the feeling you get after drinking a two liter bottle of water and waiting three hours without going to the restroom. Yeah, that's what I am talking about. I was excited, pumped, over joyed, through the roof, on Red Bull without actually drinking one type of feeling. This was soooo cool. I am taking guitar lessons at 44. Okay, you don't have to share that with anyone.

Back to the lesson. I learned some other things like what a fret is and a chord and the notes on the guitar. All things you can look up yourself and save me the trouble of reviewing my lesson just to educate you. Come on, I paid $12.50 to learn this stuff. I can't teach you everything.

The one item I did learn of value is that if I am going to be any good with a guitar, I am going to have to commit myself to practicing. And I am not talking half an hour a week. I mean true practice. Hum, maybe I need to find a partner of greater skill and spend some time trying to jam with them, playing as much as possible and learning as much as possible. See, I don't want to learn to play the incorrect way. I want to actually learn to play the guitar, that way I can play anything and not just the stuff I like. I want to learn the notes and how to read notes. That to me is important. I don't think I am going to learn that in my class anytime soon. I mean Kyle said he didn't even learn how to read music until he was required too at college. Oh well. As long as I can play Sweet Child of Mine, I will be happy.

Until next time,
Happy reading,

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