Saturday, January 31, 2009


Hello friends.

Here is our third REAL LIFE... FUNNY STYLE story sent to me from a member of THE DAILY DOSE group and one of my good friends, Mrs. Lynetta Williams.

Thanks for sending it in Lynetta. By the way, I have her phone number if you are planning on attending any upcoming event at Alltel Arena.


After a long hard day of work, I got an invitation from an equally tired mom to go to Alltel arena in Little Rock for Winter Jam. A lot of great Christian bands would be playing and her daughter was over the roof excited to go. Being the good friend I am, I decided that even if we were too tired to go, the mom needed a friend to keep her spirits up so I went with them. They showed up at my house and I drove us down there as they were new to the area and didn't have a clue where we were going. When we arrived at the arena we got front row parking, that was such good luck, I thought I was on a roll. We get to the doors and didn't have to pay for tickets because the show had already started and they just let us in. WOW two for two, we get inside the arena and it is so jam packed (winter JAM was right) that we can't find seats. We stand there reading each others lips cause we can't hear a thing. We are all scanning the seating trying to find somewhere to sit. We decide that we will just wander around the arena when I looked to my left and see a sky box with several people in it, but still plenty of seats they are not filling. So I smiled real big to my friend and said "wait here a sec". I open the door to the sky box, asked if they had any available seats to which they replied "This is a private sky box, you will need to find seats in the arena." I said, please look out there and find me three seats, they couldn't see ANY open seats. . . they invited us in, visited with us, gave us full access to their cola fridge and use of the private restroom. WOW what a fun night and the concert was FABULOUS. I am available to go with you to your next concert... I CAN get us sky box seating. :-)

I don't know about funny, but I know who is on my must take to any major upcoming event at Alltel list.

Thanks for sharing Lynetta. Great story...

By the way, if you would like to attend the upcoming Winter Jam, here is the tour information along with the wed site. Just click on WINTER JAM 09 link below for the web .

When: 02/06/2009
Where: Alltel Arena - Little Rock, AR.
Time: 7:00pm
Cost: $10.00 at the door - No advance ticket sales

Doors open at 6:00PM
Pre-show is approximately 6:20PM. Don't miss the pre-show.
Lights down at approximately 6:55PM
Show ends approximately 10:20PM

LINE UP: (Click on any of the names below to visit there official web page)
Toby Mac
Hawk Nelson
Brandon Heath
Francesca Battistelli
Meredith Andrews
Stephanie Smith

Click here to enter the OFFICIAL WINTER JAM 09 site.

Maybe I will see you there...

Until next time,


Okay friends, this has got to be the best one yet. Sent to me by my friend Gena Harmon.

Gena, thanks for sharing. This story is truly FUNNY and truly PRICELESS.. Enjoy..

This is one of those "you had to be there" stories. So one of my best friends had a really bad incident with her son this past Summer. He almost died, but with lots of prayers, I can thankfully say he is doing great now. Anyway, she needed a break. So me, being the good friend that I am, wanted to take her away from the stress for a couple of days.

I found out that Beth Moore, a woman's Bible study author, was going to be in Memphis at the Fed Ex Forum in October. I bought the tickets and three weeks later we headed to Tennessee. I had really pumped this conference up... we were sooo excited about it. We rolled up to the Fed Ex Forum about 5:00 and just about got front door parking. We were thinking, this is unbelievable, but awesome. We decided since we had a little bit of time that we would walk over to Beale Street and find some BBQ for dinner. We found a place that we could eat outside on the sidewalk and enjoy the entertainment... three black guys doing back hand springs all the way down the street. Pretty cool!

After a great dinner, we decided to get back to the Fed Ex Forum so that we could find some good seats. We put our wristbands (tickets) on to get in the door, THEN, it all started happening.....the ticket taker person couldn't get out tickets to scan in. She sent us to the next ticket taker person to try it with her scanner. No, hers didn't work either. She said "where did you get these tickets?" I said, "they were sent to me in the mail. This is the Beth Moore conference, right?" She said, "Who?" I replied, "You know, she does woman's ministry." She said, "Uh, no, tonight is a Grizzlies basketball game. Shes not in this building. Maybe she is across the street in that smaller building." I said, "No, she fills arenas when she comes to town, there is no way she could be over there." So, frustrated and confused, we talked to a policeman that was walking around. No help. The tickets said October 17 & 18, how could she not be here!!!

So, then we decided to go back to the box office and try to get something figured out. After about 10 minutes of the lady trying to help us and the line getting longer behind us, she finally called over her manager. he took a look at our tickets, we had the correct days, we were in the correct place, HERE'S THE PROBLEM... we had the wrong YEAR!!!!

Tickets are for October 17, 2009!! Not 2008. Hmmm. Ok, now what do we do??? So after humiliation passed, we just had to sit down and laugh. I guess you can figure out where we will be next October 17, 2009.

I hope you laughed as hard as I did...

Until next time,

Friday, January 30, 2009


For twenty plus years now I have commuted to work. Only once did I live within ten miles of where I worked, not counting high school and college days. During that time I couldn't begin to determine how much time of my life I have spent in traffic jams. I'm sure it is a lot less then I would imagine, but I know it is way more then I would want to spend.

The thing I've never understood is what causes a traffic jam to begin with. I know the obvious ones like an 18 wheeler turned over in the middle of the road or the wreck on the side of the road and all of the dirty laundry seekers slowing down to take a rubber necker look.

I once read an article that said two cars hitting there brakes at the same time, side by side on a two lane freeway, during rush hour creates a ripple affect in the traffic flow that can be tracked backwards for five miles. Okay, I can understand that also.

What always confuses me is the phantom jam. Here it is and I am sure you've been a part of one. You come upon the traffic jam, stuck between cars like ham and cheese between two slices of bread. And there you sit. Movement rarely exceeds 30mph and this goes on for miles. Hitting your brakes probably a hundred times during that enjoyable and entertaining time of your life.

Okay, side note here. This really can be a fun time. Things you can do and see during a traffic jam:

  1. Play imaginary drums to an 80's Big Hair rock band.
  2. Act like your carrying on a conversation with someone in the passengers seat and see how many people stare.
  3. Break the ice and wave at the person in the car next to you. You will be amazed at the reaction you will get.
  4. Write a story like this one or maybe something that is actually interesting.

Anyway, you get the idea.

So back to the phantom jam. After about 40 minutes of sheer delight (now pay attention here because this is where I get confused and need your insight) all of a sudden traffic just breaks loose and we go from 20mph to 80 in a matter of seconds. Wait, where was the wreck? You know the 18 wheeler or the wreck on the side with the rubber neckers? Why have I been sitting in a traffic jam for the last 40 minutes and the last five miles?

So was this one of those government experiments? Did they send two government cars to this one spot and both of them stopped side by side in the middle of the freeway just so they could see the aftermath? Did a space ship land and suck up a car causing a mind numbing jam?

Whatever it was, it was gone when I got there... Oh well, I guess all is well that ends well.

So can you help me here? Any insight to why these crazy things happen? Give us your thoughts on why and maybe more importantly anything you can suggest to do during a traffic jam.

Until next time,

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Hey gang. This REAL LIFE... FUNNY STYLE story comes from Bryan Williams. Thanks for sharing Bryan. Now this is funny...

Funny times, funny stories! There was this thing I would do when I would go to the bank when I was too old to get suckers! I wouldn't do it every time I went, just when I was feeling completely w/out pride! I would do this smile that was SOOOOO MENTALLY CHALLENGED LOOKING! The girl would always say to my mom, and say to me, oh here's a sucker for a VERY SPECIAL SOMEONE! My mom would turn beat red a lot of times! But every single time we would pull out of the drive through, she couldn't help but laugh at that smile! If you ever wanna see it just ask! LOL

Send me your funny story. Three ways to tell your story:
1. Comment at the bottom of the original REAL LIFE... FUNNY STYLE post. Its down below this one.
2. Post your story to The Wall on THE DAILY DOSE group on facebook.
3. Send me an e-mail at THEDAILYDOSE@MAIL.COM and I will post it for you.

Until next time,

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Webster defines commitment in the following way:

1 a
: an agreement or pledge to do something in the future ; especially : an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date b: something pledged c: the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled

Today, January 28, 2009, I make a commitment to myself, my wife, my family and my friends.

A commitment to spend more time with Him in devotions and prayer, eat less, lose weight, write more, love more, respect more, gripe and complain less, run more, laugh more, act like a kid more, listen more, talk less, be less anal, spend more time with my wife, practice my guitar more, sleep less, play xbox less, spend less time on facebook, spend more time with friends, be content (totally) with what I have been given, give more to those around me, put others first, work more, learn more, chase my dream more, watch less TV, take longer showers, play in the snow more, sit on the beach more, enjoy Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall more, spend more time with my parents and in-laws and more.

Thank you Lord for what you have done in my life. May my actions please You and bring honor and glory to Your Name...

Until next time,

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Today, January 25, is a cold day here in Conway. Cold enough to force me to stay in the house beside a roaring fire and a hot cup of hot chocolate... Um, I dont think so... In fact its just the opposite. A great day for Aiden and I to hit the imaginary ski slopes. Yep, and we came totally prepared in our bright yellow jackets. Heres the shots... Enjoy....

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The other day, the family and I made the decision to go to Sonic for ice cream. If you know me very well, you probably know I am an ice cream nut. I especially like hot fudge sundaes, or really, just about any kind of sundae.

The trip was pretty uneventful, until we got to Sonic. We, as all people do, placed our order on that little external speaker. One Hot Fudge Sundae (Mine), one ice cream cone (Janet's), one kiddy ice cream (Aiden's) and one strawberry slush (Christopher's). After about a minute, Janet asked Christopher to pass her purse to her. Little did she know at the time that she, yep, you guessed it, left it at the house. Well, big deal right? In this was.

You see I was in my flannel pajama bottoms, a t-shirt and a ball cap along with my ever famous house shoes. Once again, big deal huh? Well... Yes. You see I never, well almost never, would go out of the house with my pajama bottoms, a t-shirt and my house shoes on, well except the time I went to Wal-Mart, but hey that's a different post we will get to at a later date. Still, big deal huh? Well, like I said before, yes... it was.. But why? You ask... Well you see I also did not bring any form of identification or money...

So here we sit in the drive inn at Sonic. We just placed a $5.00 order and neither one of us has any cash. Oh my, small panic in my head. Light bulb.... Christopher... Hey loan us some money. Well this time, I have to say Pher was the smartest one in the car. He at least brought a nAMEX gift card. AWESOME!!!! We can pay for the vittles (That's food for you northern folks) and I wont have to go without my precious Hot Fudge Sundae. All hail Christopher...until.... Yep, you probably guessed it. Sonic doesn't take AMEX. Oh poo, what now?

Start digging Janet says. So we do, we start digging around the car trying to find enough cash to pay for the order. Janet had, somehow, remembered to bring a couple of bucks, the problem was we were still short with no hope in site.

After laughing for about two minutes, and finding NO cash, the reality set in and I got irritated (Sorry about that babe) and starting telling Janet to call and cancel the order. Babe, just cancel the order before they bring it out here. "Janet", I said, An odd thing happened right here in the story, Janet got irritated back, as she should have, and told me to quit telling her to cancel the order... but I went right on and told her to... yep "Cancel the order".

So after about two or three minutes, total, she did exactly that and canceled the order. Whew! I was about to panic. No harm done. So off we go, back to the house. Me irritated at Janet and her telling me to stick it... Hey she had every right...

So what about my Hot Fudge Sundae. Well as you can see by the picture above, I got it...yep, you bet. We drove home, got the purse, drove back to Sonic, placed the order, paid for the food and yes, at last, I got my Hot Fudge Sundae.


So what is your funny story? Come on we know you have one. Share your story with the world.

Here's how, make a comment about this Post and tell us your funny story. We would LOVE to hear from you.

If you are reading this through facebook, click on the DAILY DOSE link to take you to the actual blog which will allow you to post your FUNNY STORY...

Until next time,

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Being born in 1964 makes me a pretty old guy, at least I think I'm old. I know, its supposed to be the prime of life, but sometimes my body can tell me differently. Come on, you know exactly what I am talking about if you have hit the big 40... and if you don't, hang on it probably is just in catch up mode.

Dad told me a long time ago, "Chip, throughout your lifetime you will have very few true friends." Defining a true friend as someone who would do anything for you no matter the situation. Well 30 + years later, I can say his advice is very true. I don't have more then a handful of really true friends. I have a lot of acquaintances, and I enjoy there company. Well at least most of them. And I am sure many have the exact same sentiments when it comes to my company. Some like it, some, well, they could do without it and probably do. Be honest, we all know you're the exact same way.

Friends and acquaintances come in and out of our lives almost daily. The number of new people we meet is unreal. Yes, there's that circle of daily friends and acquaintances, but the number of people I have met just over the last year is far beyond my ability to recall and I don't meet near as many as some of you.

Right now seems to be that transition period I call reacquiring acquaintances. Over the last six months, I've had the opportunity to rekindle a lot of old acquaintances. Folks that I haven't talked to in years. Friends and acquaintances from High School and post high school. Some that I spent little time with and still others I spent quite a bit of time with. Guys and gals I ha ve'nt seen or heard from in 20 + years. Talk about making you feel old, when you talk with someone where the last time you saw them you were 22, that really makes you feel like you are... well getting up there, lets put it that way.

The amazing thing is how, all of a sudden, from just a note posted on your facebook or a comment about your status or a brief conversation, you are flooded with memories that you haven't thought about in years. I must admit, it has really been fun catching up with old friends and acquaintances. I don't know how many you could really call a friend, especially when you don't talk with them for half your life, still, they were and now are a part of our everyday lives, and for that I am truly thankful.

Our lives are truly enriched by those that are around us. No matter what I do for myself, it always feel better when I have a chance to do something for them.

To ALL of you, those I consider a friend or an acquaintance, thank YOU for being a part of my life, past, present and if the Good Lord allows, future.

Now, to those I love the dearest. Janet and Christopher, if you guys ever read my garble, please know that you are my best friends, I would truly do anything for you and I love you both.

To all my family, friends and acquaintances, may you be blessed and bless those that you come into contact with everyday.

Until next time,

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hello friends,

For some of you, the following video may be old news. For others this may be the first time you've had the chance to see and hear this video.

This was amazingly powerful to me and I hope it is as powerful to you. A colleague at work sent me this and I felt I had to share.

Hope you enjoy.

Until next time,

Monday, January 5, 2009


Hello friends.

Today on EVERYTHING MILLER we unveiled the brand new page called "THE COMMUNITY". This page is dedicated to our friends, friends of friends, acquaintances, business leaders and those we have never met, in other words anyone who would like to get connected in "THE COMMUNITY". The page is designed to bring all other pages together.

Want to truly get connected with Janet Miller? Well maybe you are familiar with her facebook but had no idea she had a blog or that she was an Independent Avon Rep. "THE COMMUNITY" is designed for that specific objective, to allow her and you to truly stay connected in an ever growing non connected world.

We invite you to check out the new page. Send us your information and be one of the first to get connected via "THE COMMUNITY". Just click on THIS LINK to preview "THE COMMUNITY".

Until next time,

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well, here we are, 2009, and how better to start it off then with a video from Aiden Clay.

In this video, Aiden wrestles with his internal self... and eventually the back yard hammock. Hope you enjoy...

Until next time,