Friday, January 30, 2009


For twenty plus years now I have commuted to work. Only once did I live within ten miles of where I worked, not counting high school and college days. During that time I couldn't begin to determine how much time of my life I have spent in traffic jams. I'm sure it is a lot less then I would imagine, but I know it is way more then I would want to spend.

The thing I've never understood is what causes a traffic jam to begin with. I know the obvious ones like an 18 wheeler turned over in the middle of the road or the wreck on the side of the road and all of the dirty laundry seekers slowing down to take a rubber necker look.

I once read an article that said two cars hitting there brakes at the same time, side by side on a two lane freeway, during rush hour creates a ripple affect in the traffic flow that can be tracked backwards for five miles. Okay, I can understand that also.

What always confuses me is the phantom jam. Here it is and I am sure you've been a part of one. You come upon the traffic jam, stuck between cars like ham and cheese between two slices of bread. And there you sit. Movement rarely exceeds 30mph and this goes on for miles. Hitting your brakes probably a hundred times during that enjoyable and entertaining time of your life.

Okay, side note here. This really can be a fun time. Things you can do and see during a traffic jam:

  1. Play imaginary drums to an 80's Big Hair rock band.
  2. Act like your carrying on a conversation with someone in the passengers seat and see how many people stare.
  3. Break the ice and wave at the person in the car next to you. You will be amazed at the reaction you will get.
  4. Write a story like this one or maybe something that is actually interesting.

Anyway, you get the idea.

So back to the phantom jam. After about 40 minutes of sheer delight (now pay attention here because this is where I get confused and need your insight) all of a sudden traffic just breaks loose and we go from 20mph to 80 in a matter of seconds. Wait, where was the wreck? You know the 18 wheeler or the wreck on the side with the rubber neckers? Why have I been sitting in a traffic jam for the last 40 minutes and the last five miles?

So was this one of those government experiments? Did they send two government cars to this one spot and both of them stopped side by side in the middle of the freeway just so they could see the aftermath? Did a space ship land and suck up a car causing a mind numbing jam?

Whatever it was, it was gone when I got there... Oh well, I guess all is well that ends well.

So can you help me here? Any insight to why these crazy things happen? Give us your thoughts on why and maybe more importantly anything you can suggest to do during a traffic jam.

Until next time,

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