Monday, April 6, 2009


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Hello friends.

Let me introduce you to Jarett Wilson. Jarett is a guy with a background that would upset most people to even think about. Some of you may be able to relate to Jarett, personally, I can't even begin to imagine what he's lived through. His testimony will give you a little glimpse into his life, but let me give you a little more.

Jarett is an ex gang member. The initiation in the gang he joined was for a group of the gang members to basically beat you to a pulp... But not Jarett. Instead of them beating him to a pulp, he whipped all five of them and was the last man standing.

Jarett has been through it and is a powerful testimony to the power of God and His willingness to meet us no matter where we are or what we have done. He is waiting to heal us, all of us. Enjoy Jarett's testimony.

You can come meet him in person at Conway's First Church of the Nazarene, on the corner of Faulkner and Scott in Conway, AR. You'll know him and Mary right off.. They're the two with the big smiles and the loving hearts.

I want to personally thank Jarett for being an inspiration in my life, and the lives of so many around him. What an amazing guy.

Until next time,

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