Monday, December 29, 2008


Monday, December 29, will always be Black Monday to me. I have been fortunate enough to spend 21 years of my 44 years on this Earth, working for the same company. In that 21 year period, I have never had to sit in front of a team member with the sad news that I had to deliver today.

Like so many companies, the economy continues to eat away at bottom line profits. And with the current cash and credit crunch, the economic situation looks even bleaker. Ours is no difference. Raising funds for non profits is probably not the career choice during tough economic times.

I manage a staff of nine team members. All of them are solid employees. All handle there jobs under, what at times, is a tremendous amount of stress. The stress to meet the deadline, ensure the information or data is accurate, in the correct format and all the other expectations of work.

Well today I met with all nine team members to give them the news. For the first time in my career I had to lay off and dissolve four positions. Necessary, but never easy, especially for the recipient.

Over the last few days I pondered the situations of each team member. I thought of myself and my family and how it would impact us if I lost my position tomorrow. Just walked in and was told my services were no longer needed. Some of you may have wrestled this bear at some time in your life. Me, I've been lucky that I have never, to date, lost my job.

What will happen to those on the block? One is the only bread winner in the home. How will that family survive? Two are single. What will happen with there finances? The other is a mother and wife. Probably the one in the best overall position as she has two incomes, but still, the devastation it could possibly bring.

When I think of my own situation, I count myself as blessed. The Good Lord has watched over me and my family for all of these years and has blessed us beyond belief. I also realized today that all of that could change in the blink of an eye. I could be the one on the block tomorrow. And, if I ever am, I am sure the devastation would almost be unbearable.

My prayers are with these individuals and I ask that you include them in yours. You don't know them, but He does. May we never know this pain. That is some tough stuff.

Until next time,

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