Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Miracles come in all sorts of packages. It can be the look in your child's eye when they open that special gift at Christmas or that unexpected check just when you needed it or maybe even something as small as an encouraging word at one of your low points. Either way, God always seems to know exactly where, when and how to intercede in our lives. Many times it is hard for us to understand why we go through or see others go through some of the toils and troubles of life. And sometimes it causes us to possibly lose a little faith for a period of time in our lives. I've heard several stories about how devoted followers of Christ totally turned there back on Him because of a tragedy, or what they thought was a tragedy, that occurred in there lives. I've also heard about how many of them, when it was over with said and done, saw God's plan unveil through there pain and understood the positive impact that there tragedy created in the lives of so many around them.

I was once told of a story about a missionary couple who was led by God to go and witness to a tribe in a foreign land. I believe it was Africa but I'm not totally sure. Anyway, the tribe continually rejected there teaching of Christ, to the point where they were not allowed in the village. But the couple, both very young in age, continued to feel God leading them to stay, even though months or even longer had gone by with absolutely no success at all in even being able to talk with the tribe.

One day, the wife got sick. Her illness continued to worsen day by day. But God continued to lead the couple to stay. Finally the husband told the wife it was time to leave as she desperately needed medical attention, but the wife continued to hold on as she felt God was not yet through with them at the village.

Several days later, a little boy came to see the woman. They had some conversation for a while and he left and went back to the village, without the husbands knowledge. Later that day, the wife passed away from her illness.

The husband, distraught over the loss of his wife, turned his back totally on God, to the point of never wanting to hear His name again. He turned to a completely different lifestyle filled with heavy drinking. A life that almost killed him until one day he met a man, a black man. Where he met him, I don't recall, but after some conversation the man realized that this old man was the missionary who lost his wife at his village. For the first time in many years, he had the opportunity to sit and talk with the husband about the most important woman in his life.

You see the little boy that came to see the dying missionary lady, turned out to be the leader of the largest church on the African continent. The day he came to see the lady, he turned his life over to the Lord. Throughout the following years, he was responsible for the conversion of over 500,000 people.

In the end, the husband turned his life back to Christ, fully understanding the impact of his personal loss and how God had used that couple to lead hundreds of thousands to Him.

For all of us, we have been at a place in our life where we struggle with God's response. Sometimes it seems to be a positive response. Other times, we feel isolated or unwanted. Sometimes it takes years for us to see why God did what He did, or sometimes we may never see the fruits of our loss. But God always has a purpose.

Over the last week, I have seen three personal miracles occur in my life. Not directly related to me but miracles alone that were truly the hand of God.

On November 25th, Conner James Hogan was sent into this world to Daniel and Kristin Hogan. Conner didn't have a peachy start to life, in fact for the first four or five days he spent all of his time in the nursery hooked up to one machine after another, totally dependent on oxygen. When he was born, his lungs were full of fluid, creating a major breathing problem. Doctors quickly placed him on antibiotics and began the process of trying to drain his lungs. Prayers showered Conner James and five days later he was sent home with mom and dad totally recovered.

Later that same week, Cameron, one of the children my wife babysits, was diagnosed with a heart that was five times its normal size and beating four times its normal pace. The parents and doctor desperately tried to get Cameron into Children's Hospital but was told there was no room and a cardiologist would not be able to see him for at least two weeks. Desperation set in and once again Cameron was showered with prayer. God again turned his ear to the prayers. The parents took Cameron to the emergency room at Children's and after some additional x-rays and testing, the Doctor realized that the heart was not in fact enlarged, but a gland in front of the heart had made it appear that it was enlarged and that the heart was actually beating at normal pace. Once again God intervened.

There are countless stories, both with what we might consider to be a good or a bad ending. One that might have changed our life either positively or created that empty hole inside. Either way, it is comforting and reassuring to know that in the end, no matter the outcome, He has everything under control.

Enjoy the slide show of Conner James Hogan and may your days be blessed with His presence.

Until next time,

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