Monday, December 15, 2008


As many of you may know, I am a LOVER of the cold. Most people, properly so, think I am a nut or some pshyco for loving cold weather, but come on, there are some great things about Winter.

I mean, don't you love it when it snows and it is so white and pristine and clean looking? Winter is also great for larger people like me... we can always put on more clothes but it would truly be offensive to A LOT of people if I started removing more clothing... I'm not too big, but big enough to know better. And, you don't have to worry about sweating when it is col
d. That is unless you live with a human Popsicle who keeps the thermostat on 90. But if that is true then you probably have bigger problems as the majority of your discussion may revolve around that thermostat.

Christmas is also in the winter. Christ came to Earth to set the example of how to live our life and to save us from our sins, and He came in the winter. That alone should make you love the cold.

Okay and what about snow skiing. You can't do that in the summer and you don't have to worry about learning how to swim either. I've never heard of anyone drowning to death while snow skiing.

Then the table fare... this is the only time of the year
that eating is truly legal and man we prove it during the holidays. Come on now, from about November to January, we all become eaters, at least the ones I hang around typically enjoy eating. No, I'm not saying my friends are fat. Most are a lot skinnier then I am.. I'm just saying we are less worried about what we are going to look like in a swim suit or a pair of shorts or that shirt that is cut too high.

And oh man the fires. I love going to mom and dad's and hanging out by the fireplace. Drinking hot chocolate and watching QVC. Yeah, QVC! Hey what's wrong with that?

The reality of it is we probably wouldn't truly appreciate the Spring, Summer and Fall as much if it wasn't for Winter. I just don't know how folks live in Arizona, Southern Cali or Florida, or why they would even want too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not appealing to you to raise enough funds to legally move me to North Dakota, I don't want snow 16 months out of the year, but a foot or so every now and then... well I can live with that.

Until next time,
Merry Christmas,

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