Thursday, February 26, 2009


Something to think about... or just enjoy.

Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin?

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

Why don't you ever see the headline "Physic Wins Lottery"?

Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?

Why is a boxing ring square?

Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips?

Why is it the Doctors call what they do "practice"?

Why is it that rain drops but snow falls?

Why is it that when you re driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dish washing liquid is made with real lemons?

Why is the man who invests your money called a "broker"?

How come we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?

Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food?

How come sheep don't shrink when it rains but a wool sweater does when you wash it?

Why is the time of the day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

Why is it we say we "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?

Why are you "IN" a movie, but you re "ON" TV?

How come we just choose from two people for President and fifty for Miss America?

Why do Doctors leave the room while you change? They re going to see you naked anyway..

Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet soup?

If a Deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?

What disease did cured ham actually have?

Why do they call them "Free Gifts"? Aren't all gifts free?

What ever happened to Preparation A through G?

If a cow laughed hard enough, would it squirt milk from her nose?

Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety-one?

Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

If were here to help other people, what are other people here for?

Why is it called "after dark" when it is really "after light"?

Does the reverse side always have a reverse?

Have you ever seen a toad on a toadstool?

How did a fool and his money get together in the first place?

Why don't women put pictures of missing husbands on beer cans?

If man really evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?

Why do they call it the "Department of Interior" when they are responsible for everything outdoors?

Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?

What happens if you get "scared half to death twice"?

Why do psychics have to ask for your name?

Is it OK to use the AM radio after noon?

What do chickens think we taste like?

What do you call a male ladybug?

What color of hair do they put on the driver's license of a bald man?

If you were to choke Papa Smurf, what color would he turn?

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

Why do we press harder on a remote control, when we know the battery is dead?

If they squeeze olives to get olive oil, what do they squeeze to get baby oil?

How do "Keep off the Grass" signs get where they are?

Why does your nose run and your feet smell?

Why does an alarm clock go off when it begins ringing?

Why are they called "Apartments" when they are stuck together?

Why isn't there a shorter word for monosyllabic?

Why are they called "stands" when they're made for sitting?

If people from Poland are called "Poles", why aren't people from Holland called "Holes"?

Was it a cruel joke to put the letter "s" in the word lisp?

Do Lipton employees take coffee breaks?

Can fat people go skinny dipping?

How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work?

Why is it that when you transport something by car its called "shipment", but when you transport it by ship its called "cargo"?

Whats the difference between null and void?

Whats another word for Thesaurus?

Whats another word for synonym?

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is this a hostage situation?

Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?

What do batteries run on?

Would a fly without wings be called a walk?

What do you do if you find an endangered animal that eats only an endangered plant?

Is it possible to be totally partial?

When companies ship Styrofoam, what do they pack it in?

Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?

Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Why do they call it a TV set, when you only get one?

What is the speed of dark?

How come we never hear about Gruntled employees?

Last but not least,

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

Hope you enjoyed...

Confused yet?

Until next time,

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